1. Check Out and Build Trunk
  2. Export trunk/sandbox/seam-tutorial-jbt32.
  3. Activate Development Mode
    In brief: Copy src/main/filters/filter-prod.properties to src/main/filters/filter-dev.properties. Modify filter-dev.properties:
    • Set the property jdk.debug to true.
    • Set the property jdk.optimize to false.
    • Set the property app.debug to true.
    • Set the property app.unpack.modules to true.
    • Point the as.home property to the directory where you installed JBoss AS.
        jdk.debug         =true
        jdk.optimize      =false
        app.debug         =true
        as.home           =C:/dev/server/jboss-4.2.3.GA-jdk6
  4. Open a command shell, navigate to your project directory and run:
    mvn install eclipse:eclipse
  5. Configure Eclipse and Create Workspace
  6. Install Plugins and Configure Workspace
    Note: You can not use Maven 3, see Maven 3 issue later in this work log.
  7. Import a Mavenized Seam Project into Eclipse
    The following build error appears in the console after import:
        Build errors for seam-tutorial-jbt32-ear; org.apache.maven.lifecycle.LifecycleExecutionException: 
        Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-ear-plugin:2.4.2:generate-application-xml 
        (default-generate-application-xml) on project seam-tutorial-jbt32-ear: Failed to initialize JBoss configuration
    m2eclipse uses Maven3 internally even if we have configured Eclipse to use en external Maven 2.2.x installation, so this the same build error as we will get running mvn install from a command shell using Maven 3. The bug is reported in JIRA: http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/MNG-2971.
  8. Maven3 Issue:
    Maven3 does not evaluate external properties during the "ear:generate-application-xml" goal.
    In a portable build we want Maven to generate the application.xml and jboss.app.xml resource files based on property values stored in an external properties file. This works perfect i in Maven-2 but fails in Maven-3:
              During the import of a mavenized ear project (File > Import... > General > Maven Projects) 
              an application.xml file is generated in src/main/application/META-INF/application.xml.
              Generated application.xml doesn't contain final names
              To fix this we excludes the eclipse generated application.xml during mvn package
            <!-- Use maven generated application.xml -->
                To trigger the generation of the jboss-app.xml file you need to
                configure the 'jboss' element. see:
                http://maven.apache.org/plugins/maven-ear-plugin/usage.html and:
                  seam.jboss.org is a Seam-specific scoped classloader. It acts as
                  a way for Seam to disassociate artifacts bundled with the
                  application from those that exist within the JBoss application
                  server's shared artifacts or JARs (for example, those that
                  reside in the default server's lib directory or in JBoss's
                  general lib directory). 
                  The classloader is referenced in jboss-app.xml for EAR deployment and and in 
                  jboss-web.xml for WAR deployment (SiA-2.5.3-p63).
                  see: http://www.jboss.org/community/wiki/classloadingconfiguration
                  see: http://www.mastertheboss.com/en/jboss-application-server/141-jboss-classloader.html
    Properties are externalized to filter-*.properties file and read into maven using org.codehaus.mojo:properties-maven-plugin.
    Running e.g. mvn install in Maven 3 gives the following error:
        [ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-ear-plugin:2.4.2:generate-application-xml 
        (default-generate-application-xml) on project mvn3-problem-ear: Failed to initialize JBoss configuration: 
        Invalid JBoss configuration, version[${as.version}] is not supported. -> [Help 1]
    The bug is reported in JIRA: http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/MNG-2971.
  9. JBoss Tools 3.2 Issue:
    web.xml: All comments are stripped after project import, must restore original web.xml from svn (not an issue with JBoss Tools 3.1).
  10. m2eclipse issues:
    Incorrect JRE, see: MNGECLIPSE-1752
    Select Workspace default JRE
    Delete Eclipse generated application.xml, see: MNGECLIPSE-1541, MNGECLIPSE-2145
  11. JBoss Tools (or m2eclipse?) issue:
    The EAR module's src/application folder should be source folder.
  12. JBoss Tools issue:
    Schema validation for some resource files fails due to use of Maven property placeholders. The target resource files should be correct, so they are the files that should be validated.
  13. EAR Deployment assembly
    JBoss Tools 3.2 Issues:
    • seam-tutorial-ejb module has wrong naming: seam-tutorial-ejb.ejb. Should be named seam-tutorial-ejb.jar
    • Resource files should be published from the EAR target folder due to filtering of resource files and generating of application.xml and jboss.app.xml during the Maven generate-sources goal.
    Rename seam-tutorial-ejb.ejb to seam-tutorial-ejb.jar
    Delete src/main/application
    Add folder target/seam-tutorial-jbt32-ear-0.1-SNAPSHOT/META-INF
    Corrected Deployment Assembly
  14. Web Deployment assembly
    JBoss Tools 3.2 Issue:
    Resource files should be published from WAR target folder due to filtering of resource files during the Maven generate-sources goal.
    Add folder target/seam-tutorial-jbt32-war-0.1-SNAPSHOT/WEB-INF
    Corrected Deployment Assembly
  15. EJB Deployment assembly
    Do we need to make any modifications here? Looks like resource files are published from target?
  16. Add EAR project to WTP server
  17. Publish
    JBoss Tools 3.2 Issue:
    Seam jar is published to a separate folder but should be published to ear root folder. We must correct this before we can start the server. The server starts without erros. Browse the application at http://localhost:8080/jbt32tutorial/.